AP was more than ready for the event, even after the course was changed to include a 1/2 mile climb (twice). She finished in the top 25% overall. She was a strong biker to begin with and has gotten stronger. Her running has REALLY improved - she almost even likes it now. Ok, that was a stretch.

Here's AP showing off her race bling after a job welldone. Congrats AP! We'll make a TRI athlete out of you yet.
OB finished his race on a hilly and windy course that really challenged him. We knew going into it that he wasn't as well trained as we'd like (due to life circumstances). We put together a plan for the race that we thought would allow him to challenge himself and feel good about his performance.
OB pushed a little too hard on the bike and early in the run and suffered for it on the last 2 miles of the run. It will serve as a reminder of the importance of pacing that hopefully he will carry with him next year at Ironman Wisconsin.
In Tri For It! news, we are pushing ahead with the new logo and website design. Watch for more announcements in the near future.