Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Group Training Does Have Benefits Though

While it's true that there are some hazards to joining a group for training (as I pointed out yesterday), the benefits vastly outweigh the risks.  This is particularly true if you verify the training plan and have the strength of will to let the group go on without you when the training doesn't match with your goals.

Here are just a few of the benefits:

There have been periodic reports of lone cyclists being attacked on bike paths here in Minneapolis - particularly at night.  Being in a group, whether on foot or on bikes, makes you a much less opportune target wherever you are.

You are much more likely to roll out of bed before the sun is up when you know your group (even if it's just one other person) is going to be there waiting for you.  The excuses for not working out we tell ourselves often don't hold up when they have to be given to a training partner.  The group can also help you get through any rough patches during your run.

Improved Performance
For those training sessions where you are trying to push the pace or distance, having a little competition can give you that little extra needed.  Just be sure you don't over reach and end up injuring yourself.

It's been pointed out to me (thanks Shaun) that group runs at conferences are great opportunities to network.  This is true not just at conferences.  Find a group at work that runs during lunch or before/after work.  Connecting with your boss (or your boss's boss)  outside the workplace is a wise career move.   Group training is also a great way to connect with others socially.  Everyone in the group has at least one thing in common.

The bottom line is find a group or training buddy and get out there.  Many local running shoe stores offer free training groups.  They usually have multiple groups at different paces/distances.  Do a little research and get in the right group.

1 comment:

  1. If you're in the Twin Cities and not sure where to begin - post a comment or shoot me an email. I may be able to point you to a training group in your area.
